Liten Aventuris Collections. A dream fit for your little girl! Our Tanya Dress has an A-line fit and fun double-layer butterfly sleeves perfect for twirling and dancing. Made of knitted cotton fabric with hand embroidery inspired by nature. Embroidered by Peruvian artisans, this dress brings a touch of whimsy with its decorative fringe. Let your little one explore the world in style! Bomullsklänning för babis och flickor.
Liten Aventuris Collections. A dream fit for your little girl! Our Tanya Dress has an A-line fit and fun double-layer butterfly sleeves perfect for twirling and dancing. Made of knitted cotton fabric with hand embroidery inspired by nature. Embroidered by Peruvian artisans, this dress brings a touch of whimsy with its decorative fringe. Let your little one explore the world in style! Bomullsklänning för babis och flickor.
Liten Aventuris Collections. A dream fit for your little girl! Our Tanya Dress has an A-line fit and fun double-layer butterfly sleeves perfect for twirling and dancing. Made of knitted cotton fabric with hand embroidery inspired by nature. Embroidered by Peruvian artisans, this dress brings a touch of whimsy with its decorative fringe. Let your little one explore the world in style! Bomullsklänning för babis och flickor.
Liten Aventuris Collections. A dream fit for your little girl! Our Tanya Dress has an A-line fit and fun double-layer butterfly sleeves perfect for twirling and dancing. Made of knitted cotton fabric with hand embroidery inspired by nature. Embroidered by Peruvian artisans, this dress brings a touch of whimsy with its decorative fringe. Let your little one explore the world in style! Bomullsklänning för babis och flickor.
Liten Aventuris Collections. A dream fit for your little girl! Our Tanya Dress has an A-line fit and fun double-layer butterfly sleeves perfect for twirling and dancing. Made of knitted cotton fabric with hand embroidery inspired by nature. Embroidered by Peruvian artisans, this dress brings a touch of whimsy with its decorative fringe. Let your little one explore the world in style! Bomullsklänning för babis och flickor.
Liten Aventuris Collections. A dream fit for your little girl! Our Tanya Dress has an A-line fit and fun double-layer butterfly sleeves perfect for twirling and dancing. Made of knitted cotton fabric with hand embroidery inspired by nature. Embroidered by Peruvian artisans, this dress brings a touch of whimsy with its decorative fringe. Let your little one explore the world in style! Bomullsklänning för babis och flickor.
Liten Aventuris Collections. A dream fit for your little girl! Our Tanya Dress has an A-line fit and fun double-layer butterfly sleeves perfect for twirling and dancing. Made of knitted cotton fabric with hand embroidery inspired by nature. Embroidered by Peruvian artisans, this dress brings a touch of whimsy with its decorative fringe. Let your little one explore the world in style! Bomullsklänning för babis och flickor.

Tanya Klänning

Vanligt pris500 kr
Skatt ingår.


En dröm som passar din lilla flicka! Vår Tanya Dress har en A-linje passform och roliga dubbellagers fjärilsärmar perfekta för snurrande och dans. Tillverkad av stickat bomullstyg med handbroderier inspirerade av naturen.

Den här klänningen är broderad av peruanska hantverkare och ger en touch av nyckfullhet med sina dekorativa fransar. Låt ditt barn utforska världen med stil!


  • Löst sittande plagg
  • En träknapp bakom halsen för enkel klädsel
  • Dubbla lager fjärilsärmar
  • Hantverksmässiga handbroderade naturelement
  • Dekorativ lugg och volanger
  • 100% stickad naturlig Tanguis bomull
  • Etiskt tillverkad i Peru

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